Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Livejournal anyone?

Today, for some reason, I remembered that I used to have a livejournal, and I wondered if it was still in existence. Turns out that they don't delete your account even when you don't update it for 5 years. It was interesting to reread it and see what sort of things I was into when I was 16. According to my livejournal, I was either really bored or really busy all of the time. And I was addicted to online quizzes that told you who you were. In case you're curious, you can access my livejournal here. I hope this blog is not nearly as boring and disjointed as my livejournal was. If any of you used to have livejournals that are still in existence, I would love to see them too!


Adrien said...

i totally had (have?) a livejournal! i had mine mostly through my senior year of high school when i updated it excessively and then into college when it kind of dwindled. haha.
if you want to see it, my username is luckysunrise. so funny to look at that again!

gina said...

Can't believe you were 16 five years ago! Wow, I'm old!