Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No more pictures!

Today I finished my project at the museum of photographing arrowheads! I have been taking pictures of things pretty consistently since August, with a couple of weeks in July too. There were over 1,000 pots and over 1,000 arrowheads that I took pictures of. Let me tell you, I am excited not to be hunched over the camera tomorrow. I'm not exactly sure what my next project will be, but keep your fingers crossed that it won't be taking pictures.


Heidi said...

Yea! Your pictures are done! No more trips to the annex to get more boxes!

Now, next time we're both at work let's talk about renaming the pictures and putting them in the right place...

Tammy said...

YAY! What a project! Don't let Heidi spoil all of your fun=)